Thank you to everyone who participated in the Giveaway Contest this week! After looking through all the gems I made last weekend, I decided to give out two sets of gems. Congratulations to the winners below – I’ll send an email to the...
Read moreWhen to See a Vocal Specialist
“I am not a voice doctor.” Whenever a student asks me questions about pain or discomfort in their voice, I always make sure to include that phrase with my response. This is a phrase that any voice teacher should learn to say with...
Read moreGIVEAWAY CONTEST: St. Patrick’s Day Gems
I was a busy little blogger this weekend. For years I’ve been meaning to make some of those pretty glass gem crafts for the studio. You know how it is – it was on that “To-Do” list that just never gets...
Read moreSt. Patrick’s Day Rhythm Game
Happy two-weeks from St. Patrick’s Day! In honor of the upcoming holiday, Finegan the Fiddler, a rather musical leprechaun, has decided to visit the studio for the next couple of weeks. He’s a pretty happy little guy, as you can see...
Read moreSt. Patrick’s Day Game Sneak Peek
As promised, here’s a sneak peek at the game board for our new St. Patrick’s Day game. I’m still working on the final touches for the “Coin Challenge” cards. Tomorrow I’ll be in search of the perfect game piece...
Read moreRhythm Cards on Sale!
We only have two more days left in February, which means you better act fast to get in on Joy Morin’s February sale. Hop on over to Color in My Piano and check out her store. It’s full of all kinds of awesome stuff! Just use the code...
Read moreFunny Farm DIY Board Game
(UPDATE 6/3/19: Anne Crosby Gaudet can now be found at a new website, and has updated her shop! Links here will continue to be updated as more resources are made available.) When I opened my studio, this was one of the first games that I...
Read moreMinor Pentatonic Blues Worksheet
This worksheet can be used in-tandem with the minor pentatonic blues chart that I posted last month. It includes a breakdown of the intervals in a minor pentatonic blues scale, as well as a reminder about the number of half-steps in each specific...
Read moreWordless Wednesday
(Ok… this isn’t quite wordless, but how fun is that? Click through for a tutorial!)
Read moreKeyboard Stickers
I love these stickers. They are a staple in our studio. I keep several sheets of them tucked away in a drawer right next to the piano. Susan Paradis made these stickers in both one octave and two octave ranges, and they’re designed to fit...
Read moreInterval Chart Generator
This is one of my favorite little gems for ear training. In my experience, students learn to recognize intervals faster if they can relate them to songs that they know. Personally, I prefer the “NBC” chime for an ascending Major 6th...
Read moreValentine’s Day Circle of Fifths Challenge
Here’s something a Valentine’s Day activity that’s little more challenging for intermediate and advanced piano and theory students. Have them race against a clock to complete the Circle of Fifths...
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