Upbeat Mugs for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you’re all getting ready for some fantastic Halloween parties and parades this weekend. This morning I thought I’d do a quick post about a little charity fundraiser that I’m pretty excited about.
It all started with coffee.
(Or in Tracy’s case… tea!)
One morning while Tracy and I were video chatting, we stumbled on the idea about getting an “Upbeat” coffee mug. I think that might have happened because I was using my daily Christmas coffee mug.
Anyone else have that one coffee mug that’s just kind of yours?
Well, mine happens to be a Christmas mug. And I use it year round.
Please don’t judge.
We mentioned our Upbeat mug to some other teachers, and they loved the idea too… so we decided to put together a Teespring campaign to make payment/shipping easy for everyone.
All the profits from this mug will be donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Association. This charity is near and dear, as Tracy’s son was diagnosed with Juvenile diabetes in 2010. (He is the COOLEST kid! And he’s almost driving now… how can that be?!)
Mugs are available until Nov. 11th – that’s when the Teespring campaign will end. After then, they’ll be printed and delivered directly to you. 🙂
Thank you so much to everyone who has already ordered! It’s awesome to watch the donations for JDRA grow with each purchase. <3
Speaking of awesome… heads up!!
Something AWESOME this way comes…
This week I’ve been busy finalizing the work on a couple projects with The Piano Bench Mag and can I just say… I’m really looking forward to the November issue!
For those teachers who have asked me about making music videos/movies, I think you’ll find this issue very useful! Karen asked me to write something about “thinking outside the box,” and so I hopped out of the box and went for the silver screen 🙂

Sneak peek!
Hands down… it’s my favorite article that I’ve ever written. I can’t wait for you to read it! Make sure you you subscribe to The Piano Bench Mag – it’s a great resource that’s available on iTunes or the Google Play store.
P.S. – Each Upbeat Course comes with bonus resources, which just happens to include a code for 1 free month of The Piano Bench Mag!
AND… we’re giving away two BIG Piano Bench Mag prizes: (1) 6 month subscription and (1) 12 month subscription. Make sure you read all the Giveaway details we sent out on Thursday!
Still looking for Halloween ideas? Type “Halloween” in the search box to the right… I’ve got a lot of freebies for you to use with your students on Monday!
Stay Tuned — Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the blog for future updates.
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