15% Off Avery Labels

Just a quick note that Avery Labels are 15% off on Amazon.com right now!

Keyboard StickersThe Avery 8160 labels are a staple in my studio – I use them for all of the FREE keyboard and staff stickers from SusanParadis.com. You can also use them for DianeHidy.com‘s “Check Off Boxes,” which are only $1.99.

Click HERE for a list of all the Avery labels on sale.

Click HERE for the 8160 1″ x 2 5/8″

710zzXvbkyL._SL1500_Amazon Shoppers: Keep your eye out for good deals on office supplies. Yesterday they had a Scotch Thermal Laminator for only $16.99 (regularly $80). Today it’s listed for $30, which still isn’t a bad deal! Laminators are great for making your flashcards last forever and ever. That’s how I made these awesome Snowmen Cards from ComposeCreate.com.

It hasn’t snowed much here this season, but I know a lot of students of mine are hoping for a White Christmas this year! Maybe a few rounds of “Go Play in the Snow” next week will help their wish come true. Click the image below for the game rules!


Click for “Go Play in the Snow!” Directions

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