Wordless Wednesday? Not today!

Today will be the opposite of “wordless.” Today is going to be FULL of words! I’m so excited to do my first live webcast with Tracy Selle in just a few hours. My experience putting Group Lessons 101 together has been so informative, challenging, and rewarding.

Being a part of something that empowers other teachers to make positive changes in their studio is just that… empowering. Over the past month and a half, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with so many teachers across the country (and the world, even!), and the collaboration and community that we’ve built together is absolutely invaluable.

HUGE thanks to everyone who has been a part of this project to date. To all of our guest experts, it’s been awesome getting to know you, and to my co-host Tracy Selle – you are an absolute inspiration! Working with you has been so much fun 🙂

Last but not least, to my friends, parents, sisters, and husband who have been there to support me through days of graphics, mailing lists, and near computer meltdowns… thank you for always being there, and for your endless support. I love you guys. <3

… wow, see? I told you there were a lot of words today!

Here’s to collaborative projects. Here’s to making progress. Here’s to teaching piano lessons!

Stay Tuned — Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the blog for future updates.

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Pre-Sale Special!
Live Q&A Next Week!