What’s So Scary About Tracking Numbers in Your Music Business?

What’s So Scary About Tracking Numbers in Your Music Business?

Tracking numbers, whether it’s income, expenses, marketing conversions, or enrollment… can sometimes feel a little scary. 


Because they’re:

… kind of a hassle.
… not really “fun” to do.
… and sometimes difficult to figure out.

We often AVOID numbers because they are simply unknown: They’re ghosts. They’re non-corporeals. They don’t feel real if we can’t see them! And if we don’t see them, they’re easy to ignore / forget.

(Or intentionally put off.)

How can we embrace tracking our numbers?  

In this broadcast, I’m sharing 3 ways we can make tracking numbers a little less tricky. Please excuse the witch hat, as this was recorded the day before Halloween! LOL 

The Show Notes: 

  1. Routines matter. We can’t get comfortable with something that’s new unless we get into a routine. Establish a regular day / time of the week (or month) where you’re going to sit down and crunch the numbers, track the receipts, and get familiar with what’s happening with the $ in your business. 
  2. “We manage what we measure.” Let’s shift that to… “We CAN manage what we CAN measure.” If you aren’t measuring the things… how can you possibly manage them? Figure out what numbers you need to track and grab the reigns!  
  3. The unknown is, well… just unknown. Take off the mask, the ghost sheet, or costume… and it’s no longer a mystery. It’s like when I tell my students that a part of a piece of song is only hard because it’s new. Same rule applies here! Tracking those numbers is only scary because it’s something that you haven’t been doing frequently enough. 

If tracking has you down… I want you to read this short blog post from Student Debt Survivor.

Thanks for watching and reading! If you enjoyed this vlog, I’d love to know what resonated most with you. Feel free to send me an email or comment below. 

Catch more business, mindset, and awesometicity tips on the FB page every Wednesday at 12pm ET.

Navigating Business Shifts in Your Music Studio [Vlog]
Full Voice Podcast Episode 99: Branding Your Music Business